There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.

There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory. – Francis Drake

You aren't thoroughly finished until you bring it home.

What does that mean?
How many people start things, then stop working on it? This famous explorer made it all the way around the world, and didn’t stop. By getting to the very end of that journey, that is when the glory came. In this case, he got a large cash reward, a promotion, and was knighted (a very rare thing for a commoner back then).

The quote says that starting something great has to happen, and there is often quite a bit of ceremony associated with the starting of something great. Think of all the ceremony associated with the laying of a cornerstone of a building, or the keel of a ship, or even the wedding of two people.

However much ceremony there is at the start, the real celebration is when all is finished. When the building opens. When the ship is launched. When the couple makes it to 25, 50 or even 75 years together. Therein lies the true glory, in the continuing on, all the way to the end.

Why is perseverance important?  
It could be called perseverance, determination, stick-to-it-ivness or any number of other things. The point is you don’t give up. You complete what you have begun. If you don’t persevere until (or unto) the end, it’s not going to get done, or at least not by you, right?

So perseverance is needed if you ever want to get something done. Some things are so enjoyable that it takes no effort to get it done. Other things are over so quickly that you don’t get a chance to give up on them.

But this quote is about the great journeys of life. This is about the things that take long enough for you to notice that you aren’t there yet. Things that will take long enough for you to consider giving up before you get to the finish line. These are the things for which you need perseverance.

Where can I apply this in my life?
As this quote is about the big things, let’s look at the big things. Some of mine include rebuilding a car (or two). Raising a kid (or two, or three, or…). Staying married. Keeping healthy. These are all long term projects (although the car shouldn’t have been). None of them will finish without my help.

Take a moment and search through your life for the long term projects in your life. Are there life skills you wish to master? You can learn to play Chopsticks on the piano in less than an hour, but several years to get really good, and several decades if you want to do justice to some of the great works of masters.

I listed a few possibilities, but hope that you can find some that are your own as well. Grab some paper and make a list of the three or four (with some space between each) which you consider the most important for you to work on in the immediate future.

These might be chosen because you’re already considering giving up, or because it’s important and close to failing. Whatever the reason, they the things which you have begun, but not yet thoroughly finished, yet need to complete.

The trick I have found for persevering is to have a reason. For each of the great tasks on your list, write down the reason why it absolutely, positively MUST get done. Not why it kinda, sorta, probably should get done, eventually. Why it must be done.

Now list what will happen if you don’t thoroughly finish the task. Three or four catastrophic results might be useful. Together, the push-pull of the why and the what if (or in this case, what if not) should help you stay motivated and that helps with the perseverance.

If you have an ornery teen, you might consider throwing them out of the house. The reason why you must complete the task might be to give them a better chance at the future than you had. The catastrophic results might include the kid turning to gangs, drugs and crime, instead of turning out good.

I know that wasn’t the best example in the world, but I hope it got you started. The same reasons could be used for finishing a project car, finally getting good at piano or completing the garden and landscaping in the back yard.

Only when it is thoroughly finished will the true glory be seen. Get busy, and take the first step right now!

From: Twitter, @Panchof69
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On 4 April, 1581, Francis Drake is knighted aboard his ship (The Golden Hind), in commemoration of his having completed the circumnavigation of the world.

About philosiblog

I am a thinker, who is spending some time examining those short twitter quotes in greater detail on my blog.
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