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Tag Archives: Tony Robbins
Don’t fall into the trap of prioritizing a busy life over a truly fulfilled one! Make the choices that have deeper meaning and life is sweet.
Don’t fall into the trap of prioritizing a busy life over a truly fulfilled one! Make the choices that have deeper meaning and life is sweet. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? Quick! What do you need to get done? Are … Continue reading
Posted in action, clarity, direction, perspective, thinking, value
Tagged @tonyrobbins, busy, fulfilled, Tony Robbins, trap
1 Comment
Esteem is earned. Esteem for yourself only comes by pushing yourself to do difficult things.
Esteem is earned. Esteem for yourself only comes by pushing yourself to do difficult things. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? Esteem isn’t something they hand out at pep rallies. It’s not something that you can get as a prize … Continue reading
Posted in confidence, dignity, effort, goals, obstacles, self-esteem
Tagged @tonyrobbins, earned, esteem, pushing, Tony Robbins
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Love what is. Appreciate what is. Accept what is, or use what is! There is only power in what we do with what we have.
Love what is. Appreciate what is. Accept what is, or use what is! There is only power in what we do with what we have. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? How many times have you said that you’d do … Continue reading
Posted in decision, delay, love, observation, obstacles, procrastination
Tagged @tonyrobbins, accept, appreciate, love, Tony Robbins
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Failure can be the key to Success… if you learn from it!
Failure can be the key to Success… if you learn from it! – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This is a case where I have shortened the tweet. The full tweet is “Failure can be the key to Success… if … Continue reading
Posted in discovery, failure, judgement, observation, plan, success
Tagged @tonyrobbins, failure, learn, success, Tony Robbins
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Life isn’t about getting more. It’s about becoming more.
Life isn’t about getting more. It’s about becoming more. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This quote, to me, is all about our human obsession with more. More money, more power, more influence, more toys, more stuff in general. In my … Continue reading
Posted in confidence, education, improve, money, passion, value
Tagged @theNSLS, becoming, getting, life, Tony Robbins
We feel most small, we feel most challenged when we’re only focusing on ourselves.
We feel most small, we feel most challenged when we’re only focusing on ourselves. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This quote caught my attention as it reminded me of some of the discussions on one of my other posts. … Continue reading
Posted in confidence, emotion, focus, help, motivation, weakness
Tagged @tonyrobbins, challenged, ourselves, small, Tony Robbins
1 Comment
Gratitude is the antidote to the two things that stop us: fear and anger.
Gratitude is the antidote to the two things that stop us: fear and anger. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? The more complete quote is “Gratitude is the antidote to the two things that stop us: fear and anger. Fear … Continue reading
Posted in anger, fear, gratitude, observation, risk, thankful
Tagged @tonyrobbins, anger, fear, gratitude, Tony Robbins
Communication is hearing what’s not being said.
Communication is hearing what’s not being said. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This is a quote that has been said in many ways by many people, but the basic point is always the same. There are always two parts … Continue reading
Posted in communication, deception, honest, improve, observation, understanding
Tagged @AnthonyJConklin, communication, hearing, said, Tony Robbins
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Remember: courage, unused, diminishes. Commitment, unexercised, wanes. Love, unshared, dissipates.
Remember: courage, unused, diminishes. Commitment, unexercised, wanes. Love, unshared, dissipates. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This quote reminds me of how fleeting the moment can be. It’s like the expression “strike while the iron is hot” for iron cools quickly … Continue reading
Posted in action, courage, delay, love, procrastination, time
Tagged @tonyrobbins, commitment, courage, love, Tony Robbins
Inspirational quotes are sweet and feel good for about 3 seconds after you read them. But a Quote is worthless without action.
Inspirational quotes are sweet and feel good for about 3 seconds after you read them. But a Quote is worthless without action. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This quote is the whole point of this blog. Quotes on Twitter … Continue reading
Posted in action, decision, delay, help, procrastination, self knowledge
Tagged @tonyrobbins, inspirational, quotes, sweet, Tony Robbins
The bigger picture can’t be seen by those without vision.
The bigger picture can’t be seen by those without vision. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? Have you ever looked at something really small? So small you had to move your face really close to it? A small flower or … Continue reading
Posted in destination, focus, happiness, improve, observation, vision
Tagged @tonyrobbins, picture, seen, Tony Robbins, vision
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Most people fail in life because they major in minor things.
Most people fail in life because they major in minor things. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This is so true. I know so many people that fit in this category in at least one portion of their life. Sometimes, although … Continue reading
Posted in attitude, decision, focus, perspective, value, vision
Tagged @tonyrobbins, life, major, minor, Tony Robbins
Very often not getting your dream gives you your destiny.
Very often not getting your dream gives you your destiny. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? Well, think about it. How often do you get that of which you dream? If you have my luck, almost never. But according to this … Continue reading
Posted in contribution, destination, dream, failure, personal growth, understanding
Tagged @matthewprewett, destiny, dreams, often, Tony Robbins
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It’s not the lack of resources, it’s your lack of resourcefulness that stops you.
It’s not the lack of resources, it’s your lack of resourcefulness that stops you. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? This quote is a shout-out to all the self-made people of the world. Not everyone starts life with money, privilege, or … Continue reading
Posted in clarity, creativity, flexibility, improve, obstacles, thinking
Tagged @tonyrobbins, lack, resources, stops, Tony Robbins
More than anything else, I believe it’s our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny.
More than anything else, I believe it’s our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny. – Tony Robbins and here What does that mean? To me, this quote is saying that we have the power to change our lives with … Continue reading
Posted in decision, failure, goals, improve, perseverance, procrastination
Tagged @tonyrobbins, believe, conditions, decision, Tony Robbins
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