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Tag Archives: @DalaiLama
Not only is your happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be.
Not only is your happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is a fundamental truth in life. If you think about some of … Continue reading
Posted in caring, doing, friendship, happiness, help, service
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, happiness, others, welfare
Comments Off on Not only is your happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be.
Love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together.
Love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I like this quote as it talks about a fundamental truth which we often ignore, despite knowing it to be true. … Continue reading
Posted in attitude, belief, compassion, forgiveness, love, understanding
Tagged @DalaiLama, compassion, Dalai Lama, human, love
Comments Off on Love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together.
We need values based on common sense, experience and scientific findings, what I refer to as secular ethics.
We need values based on common sense, experience and scientific findings, what I refer to as secular ethics. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is an interesting quote, coming from a person considered very spiritual. It is the practical … Continue reading
Posted in belief, common sense, discovery, governance, improve, value
Tagged @DalaiLama, common sense, Dalai Lama, ethics, values
Because of the risks involved in indulging in unrestrained desire and greed we need to cultivate contentment and simplicity.
Because of the risks involved in indulging in unrestrained desire and greed we need to cultivate contentment and simplicity. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is about the individual, and how individuals interact. At one end, if everyone indulged … Continue reading
Posted in contentment, desire, empathy, moderation, setting an example, simplicity
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, desire, indulging, risks
In order to exercise creativity, freedom of thought is essential.
In order to exercise creativity, freedom of thought is essential. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote is about one aspect of the creative process. How are you creative, and what are some of the essential parts of it? … Continue reading
Posted in creativity, desire, freedom, struggle, thinking, value
Tagged @DalaiLama, creativity, Dalai Lama, freedom, thought
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Great changes start with individuals; the basis of world peace is inner peace in the hearts of individuals, something we can all work for.
Great changes start with individuals; the basis of world peace is inner peace in the hearts of individuals, something we can all work for. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I like this quote, as it is the basis of a … Continue reading
Posted in anger, calm, forgiveness, habits, peace, relaxation
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, individuals, inner peace, world peace
The challenge today is to convince people of the value of truth, honesty, compassion and a concern for others.
The challenge today is to convince people of the value of truth, honesty, compassion and a concern for others. –Dalai Lama What does that mean? This, sadly, is true far too often. Yes, there are stand-up people out there, those … Continue reading
Posted in belief, compassion, honest, setting an example, truth, value
Tagged @DalaiLama, compassion, Dalai Lama, honety, truth
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If you want change, create the causes.
If you want change, create the causes. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is another of those ‘Doh!’ kind of quotes. It is so simple and so obvious, you wonder why you didn’t think of it first. But that makes … Continue reading
Posted in action, belief, desire, giving, question, understanding
Tagged @DalaiLama, causes, change, create, Dalai Lama
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In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is to take care of others.
In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is to take care of others. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I was unable to find the context for this quote, so I will presume that the quote is about … Continue reading
Posted in caring, help, inspire, self improvement, value, wisdom
Tagged @DalaiLama, care, Dalai Lama, maximum, wise
1 Comment
Use your human intelligence in the best way you can; transform your emotions in a positive way.
Use your human intelligence in the best way you can; transform your emotions in a positive way. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? We all have a level of intelligence which we can use to change our nature and our attitudes. … Continue reading
Posted in belief, emotion, forgiveness, intelligence, motivation, understanding
Tagged @DalaiLama, best, Dalai Lama, human, transform
As human beings, we have a common responsibility to build a more peaceful society.
As human beings, we have a common responsibility to build a more peaceful society. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I like this quote, as it is simple common sense. We wouldn’t run a family or a business the way we … Continue reading
Posted in caring, friendship, ideals, momentum, peace, work
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, human, peaceful, responsibility
Comments Off on As human beings, we have a common responsibility to build a more peaceful society.
Fear that makes us run from a mad dog is useful and necessary, whereas fear rooted in mistrust is unhelpful and needs to be overcome.
Fear that makes us run from a mad dog is useful and necessary, whereas fear rooted in mistrust is unhelpful and needs to be overcome. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is an interesting quote about fear. It differentiates … Continue reading
Posted in emotion, fear, judgement, question, setting an example, tolerance
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, fear, necessary, run
Forgiveness is how we put a stop to anger, ill-will and a desire for revenge.
Forgiveness is how we put a stop to anger, ill-will and a desire for revenge. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote, as you might imagine is about forgiveness and the power that one simple act has to change our … Continue reading
Posted in anger, calm, emotion, forgiveness, kindness, relaxation
Tagged @DalaiLama, anger, Dalai Lama, forgiveness, stop
If we have peace of mind, we’ll always feel happy. Deceiving ourselves that money is the source of happiness, we won’t.
If we have peace of mind, we’ll always feel happy. Deceiving ourselves that money is the source of happiness, we won’t. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote is specifically about the relationship between happiness and peace of mind. In … Continue reading
Posted in belief, contentment, deception, happiness, peace, relaxation
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, deceiving, happy, peace of mind
I’m optimistic that there is a growing appetite for peace in the world. Many young people are fed up with war and violence.
I’m optimistic that there is a growing appetite for peace in the world. Many young people are fed up with war and violence. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? There have always been people against war. There have always been people … Continue reading
Posted in anger, desire, peace, question, reflection, struggle
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, growing, optimistic, peace
Comments Off on I’m optimistic that there is a growing appetite for peace in the world. Many young people are fed up with war and violence.