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Tag Archives: @DalaiLama
We all need basic human values rooted in trust and affection.
We all need basic human values rooted in trust and affection. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote starts by stating that we all have needs. The basic needs are for human values. These values are rooted or … Continue reading
Posted in affection, confidence, love, trust, truth, value
Tagged @DalaiLama, affection, Dalai Lama, trust, values
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When you face problems in your lives, don’t resort to the use of force, try to employ dialogue to find a solution.
When you face problems in your lives, don’t resort to the use of force, try to employ dialogue to find a solution. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Everyone faces issues or problems at some point in their life. … Continue reading
We must design education that provides for both knowledge and a healthy mind, creating a sense of compassion that responds to all humanity.
We must design education that provides for both knowledge and a healthy mind, creating a sense of compassion that responds to all humanity. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Education is the term we use to describe how we … Continue reading
Posted in attitude, belief, compassion, knowledge, learning, value
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, design, healthy, provides
Comments Off on We must design education that provides for both knowledge and a healthy mind, creating a sense of compassion that responds to all humanity.
It is important to appreciate the contribution compassion and warm-heartedness make to happiness.
It is important to appreciate the contribution compassion and warm-heartedness make to happiness. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote addresses a portion of the sources of happiness. It lists compassion and warm-heartedness as significant contributors to our happiness. If … Continue reading
Posted in compassion, contribution, friendship, happiness, money, sharing
Tagged @DalaiLama, appreciate, compassion, Dalai Lama, important
Comments Off on It is important to appreciate the contribution compassion and warm-heartedness make to happiness.
It would help if there were greater understanding that anger never helps to solve a problem.
It would help if there were greater understanding that anger never helps to solve a problem. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote, to me, is about the futility of anger. Anger is many things to many people, but … Continue reading
Posted in anger, choice, emotion, habits, opportunity, understanding
Tagged @DalaiLama, anger, Dalai Lama, problem, understanding
Comments Off on It would help if there were greater understanding that anger never helps to solve a problem.
Whether we follow a religious path or not, as human beings we all need affection.
Whether we follow a religious path or not, as human beings we all need affection. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Even tough guys need a little affection. Sometimes very little, but they’ve got a soft spot somewhere. Even Hollywood … Continue reading
Posted in affection, attitude, emotion, friendship, love, reflection
Tagged @DalaiLama, affection, Dalai Lama, follow, human
Comments Off on Whether we follow a religious path or not, as human beings we all need affection.
Now we’re so interdependent, we need to build trust and confidence. On a national or personal level self-centeredness is a source of trouble.
Now we’re so interdependent, we need to build trust and confidence. On a national or personal level self-centeredness is a source of trouble. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Are you an island onto yourself? Do you need no one, … Continue reading
Posted in effort, giving, help, kindness, obstacles, trust
Tagged @DalaiLama, confidence, Dalai Lama, interdependent, trust
Comments Off on Now we’re so interdependent, we need to build trust and confidence. On a national or personal level self-centeredness is a source of trouble.
Living your life honestly and truthfully will create trust and friendship.
Living your life honestly and truthfully will create trust and friendship. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? How do you define your friends or the people you trust? Do the words honest and truthful show up very often? What about … Continue reading
Posted in communication, duty, friendship, honest, mentor, truth
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, friendship, honestly, truthfully
Comments Off on Living your life honestly and truthfully will create trust and friendship.
You can’t help someone just by making a wish to do so, you have to take action.
You can’t help someone just by making a wish to do so, you have to take action. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote, to me, is about the difference between thinking about doing something and taking action. … Continue reading
Posted in action, compassion, help, kindness, money, thinking
Tagged @DalaiLama, action, Dalai Lama, help, wish
We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others.
We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? To me, this quote is about not being a jerk. On the individual level, this is especially … Continue reading
Posted in emotion, humanitarianism, judgement, kindness, perspective, respect
Tagged @DalaiLama, belonging, Dalai Lama, humanity, respecting
Comments Off on We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others.
Today, let us wish each other a Happy New Year, but also that we may make it meaningful.
Today, let us wish each other a Happy New Year, but also that we may make it meaningful. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? OK, so I’m a little bit behind the times. I even missed my Three Year Anniversary … Continue reading
Posted in caring, doing, growth, inspire, opportunity, simplicity
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, make, meaningful, wish
Comments Off on Today, let us wish each other a Happy New Year, but also that we may make it meaningful.
No matter what our motivation may be, if we are not realistic we will not fulfill our goal.
No matter what our motivation may be, if we are not realistic we will not fulfill our goal. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Ah, the age old battle between reality and idealism. We all want something, and much of … Continue reading
Posted in accomplishment, calm, goals, ideals, motivation, passion
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, goal, motivation, realistic
We cannot change the past, but we can reshape the future. Young people have the opportunity to create a happier, better future.
We cannot change the past, but we can reshape the future. Young people have the opportunity to create a happier, better future. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is a nice, simple, honest quote. Clean and refreshing. What is done … Continue reading
Posted in choice, future, happiness, learning, opportunity, past
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, future, past, reshape
Comments Off on We cannot change the past, but we can reshape the future. Young people have the opportunity to create a happier, better future.
All beings want to live in peace and happiness, undisturbed. Therefore the concept of human rights is universal.
All beings want to live in peace and happiness, undisturbed. Therefore the concept of human rights is universal. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? Unfortunately, the “all” needs the usual caveat about the people who aren’t quite normal, and … Continue reading
Posted in dignity, freedom, happiness, peace, reflection
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, happiness, live, peace, undisturbed
1 Comment
It’s harmful to employ technology fired by anger and hatred. It can only be beneficial if we’re motivated to seek the welfare of all beings.
It’s harmful to employ technology fired by anger and hatred. It can only be beneficial if we’re motivated to seek the welfare of all beings. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? To me, this is a very interesting quote, … Continue reading
Posted in anger, calm, caring, help, improve, motivation
Tagged @DalaiLama, anger, Dalai Lama, harmful, hatred
Comments Off on It’s harmful to employ technology fired by anger and hatred. It can only be beneficial if we’re motivated to seek the welfare of all beings.