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Tag Archives: Dalai Lama
If we make consistent effort, based on proper education, we can change the world.
If we make consistent effort, based on proper education, we can change the world. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote is about changing the world. Not just one person, but as all of us together. I presume that because … Continue reading
Posted in education, effort, knowledge, leadership, persistence, plan
Tagged @DalaiLama, change, consistent, Dalai Lama, education
1 Comment
Such an amazing way to look at life: “Your enemy can be your best teacher” Dalai Lama. Perhaps we don’t have any enemies, just teachers!
Such an amazing way to look at life: “Your enemy can be your best teacher” Dalai Lama. Perhaps we don’t have any enemies, just teachers! – Tony Robbins What does that mean? This is a popular paraphrasing of a Dalai Lama quote. … Continue reading
Posted in attitude, listening, opposition, personal growth, truth, understanding
Tagged @tonyrobbins, Dalai Lama, enemy, teacher, Tony Robbins
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It is expressions of affection rather than money and power that attract real friends.
It is expressions of affection rather than money and power that attract real friends. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? People try all different ways to attract friends. The desire to be admired is strong within us all. This is … Continue reading
Posted in affection, exceptionalism, friendship, humanitarianism, money, power
Tagged @DalaiLama, affection, Dalai Lama, money, power
Comments Off on It is expressions of affection rather than money and power that attract real friends.
Serving and helping others out of compassion is non-violence in action.
Serving and helping others out of compassion is non-violence in action. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote defines non-violence in terms of compassion. Non-violence includes a lack of aggression and a lack of ill will. It precludes deliberate … Continue reading
Posted in action, compassion, decision, help, reflection, service
Tagged @DalaiLama, compassion, Dalai Lama, helping, serving
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If we can refrain from harming others in our everyday actions and words, we can start to give more serious attention to actively doing good.
If we can refrain from harming others in our everyday actions and words, we can start to give more serious attention to actively doing good. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote starts by asking us to consider how we … Continue reading
Posted in action, dignity, good, help, kindness, question
Tagged @DalaiLama, actions, Dalai Lama, harming, refrain
Everybody wants a happy life and a peaceful mind, but we have to produce peace of mind through our own practice.
Everybody wants a happy life and a peaceful mind, but we have to produce peace of mind through our own practice. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote starts out with a fairly straight-forward premise. We all want to be … Continue reading
Posted in calm, happiness, peace, preparation, reflection, relaxation
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, everybody, happy, peaceful
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Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.
Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I like this quote, because I have seen it in action. It says that … Continue reading
Posted in decision, habits, inspire, perspective, setting an example, thinking
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, dropped, pebble, ripples
Comments Off on Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.
Placing all our hope on material development is clearly mistaken; the ultimate source of happiness is within us.
Placing all our hope on material development is clearly mistaken; the ultimate source of happiness is within us. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is the age old statement, that our happiness is to be found not in the … Continue reading
Posted in advice, gratitude, happiness, love, observation, self improvement
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, development, hope, mistaken
1 Comment
If we can cultivate a concern for others, keeping in mind the oneness of humanity, we can build a more compassionate world.
If we can cultivate a concern for others, keeping in mind the oneness of humanity, we can build a more compassionate world. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote is about how we might build a more compassionate world. … Continue reading
Posted in compassion, empathy, help, humanitarianism, self improvement, strength
Tagged @DalaiLama, concern, Dalai Lama, mind, others
Comments Off on If we can cultivate a concern for others, keeping in mind the oneness of humanity, we can build a more compassionate world.
It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer, what we need is to take action.
It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer, what we need is to take action. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? To me, this is a very practical and pragmatic … Continue reading
Posted in action, goals, obstacles, procrastination, self knowledge, thinking
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, future, think, unrealistic
Anger, hatred and jealousy never solve problems, only affection, concern and respect can do that.
Anger, hatred and jealousy never solve problems, only affection, concern and respect can do that. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This quote answers the problem it poses by stating the opposites for each of the deficiencies. Anger can be countered … Continue reading
Posted in affection, anger, compassion, cooperation, help, respect
Tagged @DalaiLama, anger, Dalai Lama, hatred, jealousy
Comments Off on Anger, hatred and jealousy never solve problems, only affection, concern and respect can do that.
Education is the way to achieve far-reaching results, it is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society.
Education is the way to achieve far-reaching results, it is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? The quote starts out discussing education as a great way to achieve long lasting and … Continue reading
Posted in accomplishment, compassion, education, leadership, setting an example, tolerance
Tagged @DalaiLama, achieve, Dalai Lama, education, results
Comments Off on Education is the way to achieve far-reaching results, it is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society.
Whether we are happy or not depends on our attitude; compassion, for instance, leads to a calmer mind.
Whether we are happy or not depends on our attitude; compassion, for instance, leads to a calmer mind. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? This is a quote about the link between our attitude and our mood. It’s hard to … Continue reading
Posted in anger, attitude, calm, compassion, happiness, truth
Tagged @DalaiLama, attitude, compassion, Dalai Lama, happy
Refraining from harm, not out of fear, but out of concern for others, their well-being and out of respect is non-violence.
Refraining from harm, not out of fear, but out of concern for others, their well-being and out of respect is non-violence. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? I like this quote as it is a great way of defining non-violence. … Continue reading
Posted in caring, dignity, fear, kindness, respect, strength
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, fear, harm, refraining
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