The best revenge is to be unlike the one who performed the injustice. – Marcus Aurelius

Children are naturally happy and relatively just. At least until they start paying attention to the adults…
What does that mean?
This quote is translated in many forms, including “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.” which is very close to what my paper copy of Meditations says.
This is something you have probably heard said to you hundreds of times growing up. Whether it was “don’t get in the mud with the pigs” or some other colorful way, the point is the same.
If they do something to you, do not lower yourself to their level and retaliate. Take the high road, show dignity and class. Be the better person.
Note that the quote doesn’t say the most satisfying action, but the best revenge or response. It can be hard to resist, but it becomes easier with practice.
Why is not repeating injustice important? Continue reading