I’m an engineer by schooling and nerd of some repute. I’m old enough to have dabbled with tubes, yet young enough to play with computers and smart phones.
As a recreational thinker, I decided to try to make some sense of all the twitter quotes that are zipping around, and so Philosiblog was born (which was shortened from “Philosophy, I blog”).
Come and join me on a journey of exploration and examination; of quotes and how they apply to our life in modern times.
Here at my blog, we will:
- explore the philosophy of life, and how to apply it to your life
- consider your thoughts and ideas about philosophy
- explore why philosophy is still useful in the modern world
- consider what is philosophy and how it can help to you
- explore your life, as philosophy broadens your horizons
- consider philosophy as an approach to life’s problems
- explore great philosophy quotes of the past and of the present
- consider saying “help me philosophy” when you don’t know where else to turn
Are you ready? Let’s go to my blog!
I am also on Facebook and G+ for those who prefer those sites.
Stumbled across this, and am hooked
Love this blog. I am a private thinker as well and like to read others views. Is there a place where we can suggest quotes?
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
I started with just the quotes I found on Twitter, and still use it as a source. But in my attempts to verify the quotes, I’ve found a ton of places, like wikiquote.org and many themed sites (where you could see a bunch of quotes on love or pain or resentment or…). Pick a favorite quote and plug it into your favorite search engine, and start bookmarking sites you like.
I instantly fell in love with your blog. I love words of wisdom and quotes and process them in relation to my life; and hopefully inspire others whenever I share my insights.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you like the blog, and that it has meaning for you.
I look forward to hearing from you again.
You are doing an amazing job! You give great advice. Thanks!
Thanks, I do what I can. Glad you liked it.
Hello, I just spotted your blog while searching for my favorite quote by Maya Angelou.
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not to be lived again.
As a person who use English as a second language..and it’s almost safe to say I’m falling in love with the language. It almost turned into obsession now so that I struggle hard (not stressed much about it but rather enjoying it) to fully understand the essence of the beauty in English, language itself. And what I’ve been trying was to read at least one quote from important figures every day but it proved to be difficult to get by and limited to an extent from my level of understanding..I was very close to give up on it but now it’s back on..that being said, your blog is a great source and help! Thanks for continuing to keep your work.
Yep, that is an interesting quote (read it here ->http://wp.me/p43z6i-17J). Thanks for leaving a comment.
Glad you’re finding English so interesting. Also glad that I am able to assist you in your learning. hope to hear from you again.
I wish to quote your ideas for a philosophy extract I’m writing on the knowledge issue of perception – though I haven’t been able to find a name – may I quote you, and in that case, by which name or alias? Amazing thoughts
Feel free to quote me, if you think it will be of use. You can use my handle Philosiblog, or my personal name (from my G+ account – KC King). I hope I have provided you with something useful. Best of luck on your paper.
Hi! Great blog! I was wondering, can you tell me which is your comment system? Is the best one i’ve seen and i want to implement it on my blog, it would be very helpful. Thanks anyway.
I simply use the one which comes with WordPress. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.
What a great blog. Very interesting. Thank you for using @thequotetoday as source.
Glad you like it. It wouldn’t exist if great Twitter accounts like yours weren’t full of great quotes to use. Thanks for the inspiration and the material!
Hey, I like your about description. It reminds me when I was young. Reading my first book of Seneca.
Happy Ones don’t need anything.
Thanks. Glad you liked it. Indeed, if you are already happy, what more do you need?
Maybe to make someone happy. There is no value in happiness if you can’t share it.
This is a beautiful place to just ‘be’…
Inspiring and mindful; thank you ~ Linda
Thanks for stopping by, as well as for leaving a comment.
Glad you found my words of some use. 8)
Philosiblog — I love the concept of your blog and the subtile (mostly) humor you use. I’m just wondering if you could share what your overarching worldview is. I’m reading a book by Nancy Pearcey, Total Truth — Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity, that is helping me think clearly about my beliefs and presuppositions. Perhaps you can help me, and your other followers, better appreciate your blog if you can share what passion(s) lead your thinking and blogging. If you have already written on this please direct me to where I can find it. Thanks. Ron
I am still evolving in my beliefs. As I learn more, I question more. Each question results in another question, and so on. I try to keep religious dogma out of it, as my audience is world wide, and practices many faiths. As for most religions, I believe that man has piled layers of their own desires on top of whatever may have been the core of their faith. Perhaps some day it will make more sense. I am more a creature of logic, although I have faith that something is out there.
My passion in blogging is to help others. Too many of my friends were able to spout off quotes, but when asked what they meant, I’d get the head-tilt, palms-up, shoulder-shrug, “I donno!” They knew, but they did not understand. They sipped, instead of drinking deeply.
This blog was founded on Twitter quotes (hard to get more superficial than that), and my attempt to relate the quote to modern life, or at least some aspect of the quote to some aspect of modern life. Many quotes cover far more ground than can be touched on in a single blog post.
By helping others consider their lives, to think, to reason, and to plan, they can live a life by design, not simply by chance.
Hope that helps.
Hi. Do you have a “suggest quote” page? One cool to talk: “wealth is not in those things you have but in those you would never exchange for money”.
ps1: I translated to English, but don’t know how the sentence is in English
ps2: I don’t know who said it. :/
No, I don’t. But I should have. It may take me a few weeks, but that’s now on the ‘to do’ list.
As for you quote, I found it here, but it isn’t credited.
Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have for which you would not take money. – Anonymous.
Another site sources it as being by Russ Crosson and words it in a slightly less proper form of English (ending in a preposition isn’t proper form, even if it is commonly done).
Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have that you would not take money for
I absolutely LOVE this column. You always seem to explain a quote that I really need to hear at the time. I just came across a nice one for you that sums up my going back for my Master’s right now. “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” ~Aristotle
Or, if you prefer turns on old recruitment slogans, I have one for you from the 1980’s : Grad School – It’s not just a job, it’s an indenture!
Glad you found the blog useful. And good luck with your time in school!
I would like you to nominate for the Liebster award
Wonderful blog! Well thought down-to-earth words! I am following and will strongly recommend it to my friends! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you found my blog, and that you feel the contents are sufficiently useful to recommend to others. Feel free to recommend the blog to those who aren’t your friends as well. 8)
Something that makes this blog special, I have the feeling that you all the posts are wrttien because their meanings really m matter to you, not to make money!
That’s interesting. I have yet to even try to make money with this blog (not that I have anything against money or capitalism). It started as a challenge to myself that I thought might last a month or two, three at the top. Here I am, already two full years of daily posts behind me. It’s fun, and it’s part of my legacy. The internet allows people to find my posts months or even years after they have been written. It will exist for my children and grandchildren, as well as people all over the world. I try to contribute, and have had some success here and there. And that’s what makes it worthwhile.
Thanks for noticing.
I love the concept of your blog. An examined life is a wonderful (though sometimes painful…) thing. Unfortunately, it’s often easier to talk about this type of life rather than lead it – in my experience anyway. Oh well, that’s why they call it ‘practice’ I suppose! I look forward to following your posts.
Thanks for the kind words.
Yes, it’s hard. Often I manage to keep up with a particular method or exercise for a few days to a few weeks, and then find I have forgotten to keep at it. It is quite frustrating.
However, I take some comfort in knowing that each step moves me a little closer to my best possible self. And remember, that is a moving target as well. My best possible self at 20 would have had no interest or need for relationship or parenting skills.
Sound mental observation, worthy of a techie. Sure you are likely a programmer. Outstanding concept. Kudos pal!
Indeed. I’ve been doing software for decades, starting in High School. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Again philosiblog, I really think that moving target effect of the best possible self, in my humble opinion, is directly related to the ever changing mentality and/or value system. This quite was one of many that led me to a personal quote years ago:
“The world is full of complexities that we can only generalize with the facts we posses; the more facts we posses, the more precise our logic.”
Best regards.
Yes, the idea of a constantly moving target is the combination of the need to improve ourselves, and the concept of never crossing the same stream twice. The result of learning something may be that you now know you have other things to improve. The cycle of growth and examination only stops when one quits living, or dies. And some would say that quitting living is just the mind and spirit dying before the body does.
I like the quote. The more we know or understand, the better we can describe it. My example would be planetary mechanics, starting with “wanderers” to Earth at center, to circular orbits, to ellipses, to the tweaks to relativity (to account for errors in the orbit of Mercury). And more will come, as time goes on, and we learn more.
Your twitter posts are really brilliant, thanks a lot for sharing them. Just a question, can you suggest some easy philosophy books to read for some one new to the subject? I don’t know if it’s me but most of them are pretty abstract and complicated.
Thanks for answering, and keep up the great posts.
A quick search of the internet turned up the usual suspects, but this quick gem as well : http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/life-strategies/inspiration-motivation/philosophy-101-00000000018872/
The other thing to try is to delve into Wikipedia. It should be able to help you understand some of the major schools of thought and help you find some interesting philosophers to read. Most of their books are out of copyright, so you should be able to find many of them for for free on the web.
Great blog, nice to read and I really like the quotes you use.
I hope you’ll like my blog, too. Even though I prefer thinking up quotes myself. Sorry for my English if I did some mistakes, it’s not my mother tongue…
I’m a blogger, too, from Germany, and I’m writing about… well… politics and philosophy. I call that mixture “Politosophie”, you could say “politosophy” in English…
–> http://politosophie.blogspot.com/
Maybe you speak German, otherwise you can use some translator.
Keep it up!
“Guardian Of Philosophy”
Let us simply note that your English is far better than my German, which I learned mostly from subtitles of old war movies. Thanks for noticing my blog, and for commenting.
I love this blog the wisdom and insight that comes from your words are very inspiring!
Thanks. I’m glad you find my work useful. Your facebook page is inspirational as well. Keep up the good work.
Love the twitter tweet concept – a recreational thinker… Hmm…