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Monthly Archives: March 2014
About death: Whether it is a dispersion, or a resolution into atoms, or annihilation, it is either extinction or change.
About death: Whether it is a dispersion, or a resolution into atoms, or annihilation, it is either extinction or change. – Marcus Aurelius What does that mean? Well, that’s pretty straightforward. You either cease to exist, or you change into … Continue reading
Posted in belief, examine, future, good, personal growth, reflection
Tagged @AureliusQuotes, death, dispersion, Marcus Aurelius, resolution
Comments Off on About death: Whether it is a dispersion, or a resolution into atoms, or annihilation, it is either extinction or change.
We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others.
We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? To me, this quote is about not being a jerk. On the individual level, this is especially … Continue reading
Posted in emotion, humanitarianism, judgement, kindness, perspective, respect
Tagged @DalaiLama, belonging, Dalai Lama, humanity, respecting
Comments Off on We need a sense of belonging to one humanity, respecting the rights and views of others.
The events of life bear most harshly upon the inexperienced; the yoke is heavy to the tender neck.
The events of life bear most harshly upon the inexperienced; the yoke is heavy to the tender neck. – Seneca What does that mean? This is another great quote, but which had to be trimmed substantially in order to fit … Continue reading
Be who you are & feel the love of all those who accept you for your true essence!
Be who you are & feel the love of all those who accept you for your true essence! – Tony Robbins What does that mean? This is a great quote, as it is all about being authentic. You have to … Continue reading
Posted in empathy, forgiveness, love, self-esteem, sympathy, tolerance
Tagged @tonyrobbins, accept, feel, love, Tony Robbins
One of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change yourself.
One of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change yourself. – Nelson Mandela What does that mean? The basis of this quote is something which I have firmly believed for quite some time, having … Continue reading
Posted in change, habits, leadership, motivation, passion, self improvement
Tagged @quotepage, difficult, Nelson Mandela, society, yourself
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Life is a succession of crises and moments when we have to rediscover who we are and what we really want.
Life is a succession of crises and moments when we have to rediscover who we are and what we really want. – Jean Vanier What does that mean? This is an interesting quote to consider for a control freak. You … Continue reading
Posted in courage, direction, fear, future, habits, plan
Tagged @philosophytweet, crises, ean Vanier, rediscover, succession
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. – Henry David Thoreau What does that mean? This is a slight misquote of what is in the book, but helps make it better understood for most people. And, given the age in … Continue reading
Posted in belief, character, hope, observation, setting an example, sympathy
Tagged @Zoraidacz, desperation, Henry David Thoreau, lives, quiet
Today, let us wish each other a Happy New Year, but also that we may make it meaningful.
Today, let us wish each other a Happy New Year, but also that we may make it meaningful. – Dalai Lama What does that mean? OK, so I’m a little bit behind the times. I even missed my Three Year Anniversary … Continue reading
Posted in caring, doing, growth, inspire, opportunity, simplicity
Tagged @DalaiLama, Dalai Lama, make, meaningful, wish
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We should make every effort to be of a grateful disposition.
We should make every effort to be of a grateful disposition. – Seneca What does that mean? This appears to be a misattribution of something which Epictetus said some time after Seneca was dead. Marcus Aurelius even references the quote as being … Continue reading
Wisdom is not obvious. You must see the subtle and notice the hidden to be victorious.
Wisdom is not obvious. You must see the subtle and notice the hidden to be victorious. – Sun Tzu What does that mean? While this particular quote is about war in specific (see longer version, below), it applies to wisdom … Continue reading
Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.
Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own. – Bruce Lee What does that mean? The first part of this quote is fairly straight forward. It is part of what learning is all about. … Continue reading
Posted in adaptation, creativity, good, individuality, originality, personal growth
Tagged @quotepage, Bruce Lee, discard, uniquely, useful
Half a loaf is better than no bread.
Half a loaf is better than no bread. – English Proverb What does that mean? Sometimes we want it all. Sometimes we just don’t want to compromise. Sometimes we won’t take no for an answer. And we risk losing it … Continue reading
Posted in altruism, cooperation, empathy, habits, kindness, patience, reflection, time
Tagged @Sports_HQ, better, bread, English Proverb, loaf
1 Comment
In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?
In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? – Saint Augustine What does that mean? In a much longer passage, this quote has an example of a pirate who has been captured and brought before Alexander The … Continue reading
Posted in action, duty, freedom, governance, justice, power
Tagged @philoQuotes, justice, robbery, Saint Augustine, sovereignty
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Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth.
Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth. – Cicero What does that mean? This quote is an alternate translation of “Natura inest mentibus nostris insatiabilis quædam cupiditas veri videndi.” in Latin, or in English: … Continue reading