True love is like a fine wine, the older the better. – Fred Jackob
What does that mean?
While I’m no connoisseur, I do like the occasional glass of wine. What I have been told is that the flavor of a good batch of grapes takes time to properly develop, and that’s one of the reasons why a wine can take quite some time to get to it’s best possible flavor.
Without going into all the details of wine making (which are available here), the point is that rushing the process, while possible, isn’t always a good idea. While wine is a grape sugar fueled alcohol, there are thousands of other chemicals in the mix, all of which impact the final flavor.
Similarly, true love takes time to develop. As wine is more than just the grape juice and alcohol, true love is more than just passion. There are subtle and complex aspects to each which take time to develop. To me, that is what the quote is describing.
Why is the aging process in a relationship important?
In today’s microwave culture, where instant gratification is the standard against which all things are measured, sometimes it can be hard to wait for water to boil. Yet romances that boil as quickly as water in the microwave tend to cool just as quickly. Or burn your hand when you reach in and touch it.
Romances that move slower, which simmer rather than boil, tend to last longer, and have more flavor. If you’ve ever had home-made stew cooked in a slow-cooker overnight, you know what I’m talking about. Instant soup just doesn’t have any of the same flavor, does it?
This aging process occurs in relationships, in both the romantic types and others. That is part of why familial relationships tend are often so strong (for good or ill), as they are a lifetime in development. The longer you are together, the more (and more interesting) flavors you develop.
There are probably childhood friends of yours to whom you still feel close. You may not have seen them for years, but there is still something there. I believe it is the length of time of your friendship which is the root of that feeling, the aging process has cemented it in your mind.
Where can I apply this in my life?
The first thing I would consider is slowing down. Not that you need to back off in relationships or slow them down, but take your time and appreciate what you have. Most of us, myself included, tend to rush to the next step as soon as we have achieved or completed the present one.
My recommendation would be to take a little time and enjoy the place where you are, and to savor what you have, rather than immediately wanting more. I know, it won’t be easy at first, but in my experience, it is something that will make memories that last a long time, and add to the flavor.
That’s all well and good, but what do I do now? If you’re not in, and not ready for a long term relationship, go boil some water. Microwaves have their uses, right? If you aren’t in a relationship, and are ready to get back into one, I would focus on trying to find people who will be fun to be with both in the short term and in the longer term.
You are looking for someone you can simmer with for a long time. That means having things you both enjoy, so you can do things together. That is where the glue comes from, the glue that holds you together over the rough spots, and you know there will always be rough spots.
If you’re already in a relationship, you’re half way there. You should already know a bit about your partner (they are a partner, aren’t they?). You should have a few things you both enjoy doing. I would try to do more of those things, and discuss what things each of you want to do in the future.
It is all about building in those flavors, things to savor in the weeks, months, and years that follow. Whether it’s a close friend or your lover, having these moments are, in my opinion, very important to the flavor. No one wants to be remembered as being the bland one, right?
Take some time and find a way to make a moment to savor, both now, and in the years to come.
From: Twitter, @iheartquotes
confirmed at : (search, it’s in there somewhere, about 2/3 of the way down)
Photo by Mr.Thomas
Does anyone know who Fred Jackob is? it’s a nice quote, and attributed to him, but who is he? I’m not finding much in the way of reference material on him. Even if he doesn’t exist, it’s an interesting quote.