If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy. – Proverb
What does that mean?
Laughter. It’s one of the best sounds a human can make, and one of the best sounds a human can hear. It makes you feel better, both emotionally and biologically (due to chemicals produced by the body). Laughter is considered good medicine and part of the healing process for both body and spirit.
Yet some people are too busy to laugh. Too busy to stop and smell the roses. These people are just too busy to live their life. They are too busy driving themselves into the ground. They are too busy to enjoy what life they have left. They have allowed themselves to simply become far too busy.
The quote infers that we should take time to relax and laugh. Not necessarily at or with anything, but just to laugh. To have fun, to unwind, to have a good time. I believe if we all laughed as hard as we worked, the world would be a much happier place.
Why is laughter important?
As was mentioned above, the body itself reacts to laughter. It releases chemicals that are helpful to good health, and they also help the body heal itself. The details are quite interesting, and worthy of some cursory study, see this link for some high level details.
While I don’t imagine that the people who came up with the quote had access or knowledge of the details of how laughter worked on the human physiology and psychology, it still is quite effective. Modern medicine has delved deeply into all the reasons laughter is good for us, but (to me, at least) the most important part of it is how it makes us feel.
If laughter wasn’t an important part of our lives, why is comedy such a big thing on TV or in movies? Why do public speakers start with a joke or two? Why do people spend money to see comedians in Las Vegas or in their own towns? Big names and local talents are in demand and paid money because they are funny, and help us laugh. And most of us value laughter.
Where can I apply this in my life?
That is what laughter means to me. It is the thing that helps keep us healthy, Fortunately, I’ve never been that type of person, although I do get far too serious from time to time. The best thing I can do at these times is to relax, unwind, and laugh a little, or better yet, laugh a lot!
For me, the biggest difficulty I tend to have is to let things get to me, to increase my stress, which I tend to carry as muscular tension. That makes me stiff, and when I notice that I have become stiff, I pause what I am doing and find a way to relax a little.
To do this, I stretch some, and then try to find something funny to read, watch, do, or think of something funny. Sometimes I find someone to talk to and with whom I can share a laugh or two. Sometimes it takes a long distance phone call to make it happen, but it helps me with my stress.
How does laughter help you? With what does it help you? Have you ever thought about laughter that way before? Grab some paper and write down all the things with which laughter helps you. Does it help you when you are stressed? When you are angry? When you are sad?
If you took more than a few brief moments to consider the impact laughter has had on your life, you probably have quite a list. If not, I would ask you to consider why you dislike laughter. Perhaps you need to talk to someone about your aversion to laughter, and the reasons behind it.
For those who found uses for laughter, I would like you to take a moment and consider what kinds of humor work best in different situations. By that, I mean that a trip to the movie theater isn’t something if you’re still at work and frustrated. In that situation, you might need to find another way to generate some laughter.
Brainstorm for a while and and see what ideas come up, and in what situations you might use these ideas to help you laugh. Write a few of the more useful ideas down, and then think about how you might become better at using them. Will a smiley face attached to the corner of you computer monitor help you remember to laugh every once in a while?
And remember, take time out from your busy day and laugh. It’s not a trivial thing, it truly is important to your physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t ever be too busy to laugh.
From: Twitter, @_inspirational_
confirmed at : http://tinybuddha.com/wisdom-quotes/if-you-are-too-busy-to-laugh-you-are-too-busy/
Photo by a4gpa