Dream. Let nothing dim the light that shines within you. – Maya Angelou

Did you dream of being Superman so you could fly, catch bad guys, be bullet proof, or to wear your underwear on the outside?
What does that mean?
To me, this quote says that we all have an inner light, a dream, within us. This is something important for each of us to know, nurture, and empower. What is a dream, if not a heartfelt desire to achieve an outcome? We all have dreams, but how many still shine bright, and how many have become dim?
This quote urges us to keep the light bright, and to never forget what we desire to accomplish. It urges us to stay focused on our dreams and hold them closely no matter what. Life, people, conditions and circumstances will conspire to dim that light over time. But if we can stay focused and maintain our dream, the light will shine brightly. Both within you, and for all the world to see.
Why is having a dream important?
Would you ask that question of Dr Martin Luther King? Perhaps you have a different definition of a dream, one that implies a pleasant thought rather than a driving or motivating force. In my interpretation of the quote, the word dream means a powerful, driving and motivating force, and that is how I will use the word in this post.
Dreams are what move us forward when all else seems to be against us. It’s the spark that lights our way in the darkest hours of our lives. It’s what keeps us hopeful when everyone else says to give up. It’s what warms us from the inside, when the world is cold and hostile.
Having a dream is how one justifies our existence. Acting on the dream justifies having a life. Having a dream and not letting it go dim requires us to act on it, lest it become dim, or worse yet, go out.
Where can I apply this in my life?
Please note that there is a difference between a dream and just wanting something. A dream might be equality for all, or peace for mankind. Wanting something might be a really nice car or a big TV or the latest gaming system. I hope that makes sense to you. While both might motivate you, I think you can tell the difference between the source of the motivation.
Don’t think, though, that dreams cannot be self-centered. What about the kid who dreams of being the first in their family to get to college? That is both self-centered and a dream, right? What about the person who dreams of starting their own business?
How bright are your dreams? What lights your way when all seems dark? Do they shine so brightly that others can see the light radiating from you, or do you look like the light has left your eyes? Have you lost sight of your dreams? Have you failed to act on them for a long time?
Now that we have got a better handle on what a dream is, I’ll ask the question: What is your dream (or What are your dreams)? Think all the way back to your childhood, what were some of your dreams? Did you want to be Superman so you could fly, bust the bad guys, or be bullet proof? Some of those dreams might still be real, only you can tell for sure.
I would also caution that many new dreams may have sprung up and obscured some of your older dreams. When I had kids, my focus changed from dreams for me to dreams for them and the future. While that’s well and good, it has starved me a little for self-fulfillment, so don’t forget to review dreams you had in earlier phases of your life.
What can you do to make these dreams more real, to help them burn brighter? If you dream of world peace, but are not at peace within yourself, how bright will your light ever be? Perhaps you can start small and local with your dream, and build it’s strength and brightness by honing your skills within yourself and your community.
What will it take to build the light of some of your dimmer dreams? Have you examined why you had the dream? Like the Superman example above, once you know why (and ask over and over again until you have truly reached the bottom of the reasons), perhaps you can find another way to achieve the dream, something more appropriate to your present beliefs and abilities.
This turned out to be a difficult topic for me to work through. While I had plenty of newer dreams, I found several from years back (to childhood) that had become very dim. I will be working on how to get their brightness back in the weeks and months to come.
But that’s why we examine ourselves, right? The exercise won’t always be easy, and the path not always obvious, but the effort is always rewarded. And always remember to keep your dreams alive, and keep your light shining brightly!
From: Twitter, @AR_Foundation, @ShopTheBooks
confirmed at : http://www.eager-beaver.com/quotes 3rd from bottom
Photo by Bohman
people keep telling me that there is a light that comes from me, that they see it, that they find it beautiful. WHAT DO THEY MEAN????? The very bane of my existence has always been shadowed with one kind os darkness or another. recently i have come to see things before they happen and things I cannot possibly know. I just want to understand what the f&%k I am and what it is these people keep telling me they see???
Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to share your situation.
Never having seen you, I can’t say for sure. That said, I have the following thoughts I’d like to share. Not every human trait is easily explained. When you get to emotions and human interactions, there often aren’t words to explain exactly what the person is feeling, sensing, or experiencing.
My guess is that you have something special in your personality, your attitude or in how you treat people. When other people experience this aspect of you, they know that you are something special, but don’t have words to express what they have felt or experienced. They may choose to express it in terms of their visual senses (especially those who are visual learners or otherwise visually centered), and that may be how this description of you came to be.
Other possibilities are a bit more esoteric, but many believe and even claim to see auras. For a more scientific study of part of this phenomena, look up Kirlian photography, which deals with making visual some form of life energy. Perhaps yours is particularly strong, or just of a particularly noticeable color or nature.
Bottom line, I have no way of knowing. But I would ask a question of you: Why does it bother you? Can you just let it be, and say “Thank you” and go on with your life?
As for the premonitions, some might consider them and the aura to be part of a larger spiritual thing, which you may have a natural talent for using. Some people are good at singing or running, this may be what you are good at. Again, I don’t know.
As for what you are, I would say you are a bit scared and confused, but I would guess perfectly normal outside that. If your premonitions are about the stock market, make some money. If it is about your friends, help them out. If it bothers you, seek council of those you trust or who might be subject matter experts. Learn more, seek it out, find out what you can. But in the end, you will have to live with it, so find a way to make peace with what is going on in your life.
Sorry I can’t be of more help, but I believe you can sort this out. Stay strong, and explore your gift.