History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. – Maya Angelou
What does that mean?
This quote reminds us that we cannot change the past. What has happened is done and gone, there is no changing it. However happy, however painful, it has happened and is over and done. Whether it is your personal pain, or a pain on a societal scale, it is done and in the past.
The quote also reminds us that we need not live it again. While we cannot change the past, we can, with courage, change the future. By changing the future, we can help prevent others from suffering through the same painful history we lived through. We cannot unlive the past, but we can change the future. That is a truly noble and worthy goal.
Why is working towards a better future important?
Regardless of what has happened to you in the past, the future is an open door. You can do more, you can be better, and you can help others do the same. I can think of no higher aspiration than to make the future better for the next generation, and those who will come after. There might be some differences of opinion about what ‘better’ means, but that is a debate for a different day.
How many of you appreciate how much better life is in the era of cell phones? I grew up before cell phones, and marveled at the wonders of early car phones (any one remember the Miami Vice brick?). Before that, it was a land line or nothing. Before land lines were prevalent, you had to be a good friend of a neighbor with a phone if you wanted to talk. Before that, it was a telegram or a letter. The future is better, even if the progress comes with a few challenges.
Where can I apply this in my life?
What can you do to make the world a better place? I can’t speak for you, but what has worked for me is to become involved in groups which share my interests. I have both worked and donated to Habitat for Humanity. I have donated both cash and blood to the American Red Cross. I support our military veterans through a half dozen organizations.
What you choose to do depends on what you think is broken, or needs to be improved. It is your choice, but there are lots of ways to help make the world a better place. You can contribute, dream, educate, inspire, show kindness, persevering, and by setting an example.
You can contribute to organizations that help others. Walter Payton is known for helping others, and his charity work is continued by his wife and their foundation. He also helped raise awareness for organ donation, and the plight of those in need of organs. In doing so, he has helped make the world a better place for those who will follow.
Inspiring others isn’t just something other people do, but it is something you can do, even if it is on a slightly smaller scale. You can inspire people in your family, your circle of friends, your community, or any group you choose to work with. Oprah is an excellent example, as she has inspired others by her presence and her actions.
Her very existence inspires those who thought they couldn’t get anywhere in life because of the location or circumstances of their birth. She has come from very humble beginnings and has shown the world what can be done if you believe in yourself and take massive action to achieve your dreams. In doing so, she has helped make the world a better place for those who will follow.
Her actions have inspired millions to read books, work on their body, believe in something greater than themselves, as well as to believe in themselves. She has shared her troubles and what actions she took to overcome them. She has taken action (and her show) to places where others feared to go and confronted those who would cause pain and suffering. In doing so, she has helped make the world a better place for those who will follow.
While Oprah might be considered a media mogul, and some might ignore her humble roots, there is one person who, as a nobody, became somebody because she set an example for others to follow. Rosa Parks, in her single act of defiance, changed the future. While it took years, the painful past is no longer something that be lived again.In doing so, she has helped make the world a better place for those who will follow.
I hope I have given you some hope for the future. There are so many ways we can do our part to help make tomorrow a better place for all of us. Pick something and start helping. If that doesn’t work out for you, there are plenty of ways to contribute. Have courage to persevere, and we can make the world a better place for those who will follow.
From: Twitter, @WordsToThriveBy
confirmed at : http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mayaangelo387255.html
Photo by KoryeLogan
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