Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving toward getting it.

Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving toward getting it. – Barbara Sher

I’m not sure what it is about woodworking, but even the simplest project brings me great joy, both in the building and the completion. What do you enjoy doing?

What does that mean?
This is another Twitter-friendly shortened quote. The longer version is: “Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving toward getting it. That’s what makes life feel good: when it has direction, when you are heading straight for what you love.

The longer version of the quote does a pretty good explaining what it is trying to say. People tend to be happier when they have a goal, and believe they are making progress towards it, right? I know from my own experience that when I meet those conditions, I’m in a pretty good mood. How about you?

Having a goal gives your mental and physical energies a direction and a destination. Moving towards that goal builds momentum, builds confidence, and helps create the good feeling labeled as happiness by this quote. While not all progress takes you “straight for what you love,” some of us prefer a bit of a challenge every now and then, right?

Why is doing things important?  
While this is one definition of happiness, there are others. However, for someone with a goal, and the means to work towards it, this is a great way to feel good about yourself and what you are doing. And when you feel good doing something, you want to do more, right?

One example would be the endorphins released when running, the “runner’s high.” It’s very similar for those who are called “adrenalin junkies.” In these cases you do something that gets your body to release chemicals that give you the good feeling.

Some people get a similar good feeling by doing things for others. By being helpful, they feel good as well. I guess how you get the feeling is less important than being happy, enthusiastic, and busy. By doing things (things that are not destructive or harmful), we help ourselves feel better, and in the process, can actually help others as well. Sounds like a win-win to me!

Where can I apply this in my life?
What are some of the things you like to do, things that help you work towards a goal, and make you happy when you do them? Perhaps something you haven’t done in a while, but used to do all the time? Running, playing sports, doing volunteer work, fixing cars (or other things), what does it for you?

While partying might sound like it qualifies, I would ask you to answer this simple question. “What is the goal of partying, and how do you move closer to that goal?” The answer is probably something about having a good time with friends, and the methods probably involve behaviors that might not be in line with your best self.

The follow on question, once you’ve convinced yourself that partying is one of your goals, is “How long does the good feeling last?” I would argue that if the good feeling only lasts as long as you are doing something, you probably don’t really love it, as the longer version of the quote states.

Either way, let’s look at things that help others, or give us a lasting feeling of accomplishment. Years ago, I built a set of bookshelves with the help of a friend. It is still a focal point in the living room, and full of some of our favorite books.

Every time I time I think of all the hours I spent with extra fine steel wool burnishing the urethane coating, my elbows ache a little, but the thought still brings a warm feeling up inside me. Pride in the accomplishment, yes, but also in the friendship and the hard work we did together.

I continue to feed that good feeling by building things, fixing things, and doing my best to be handy. From computers to cars, from wood to wax, I do what I can to move forward, fixing and building, and learning when things turn out a little less spectacular than I hoped.

What do you do, or have you done that moves you towards a goal, and do you know how to make progress towards that end? It could be something as quickly accomplished as cooking dinner, or as long-term as improving yourself physically, mentally, or spiritually.

What seems to be important in the quote, and in my life, is the activity. The doing is what helps us feel useful, and it helps us feel good about ourselves. Not everything revolves around us, but if we can do something that helps others, and moves us towards our goals, everyone wins.

Are you still sitting there in front of your computer? You might want to consider doing something that will move you closer to a goal. Who knows, you might even feel good for having done it.

From: Twitter, @tonyrobbins
confirmed at : http://www.wisdomquotes.com/quote/barbara-sher.html
Photo by Bob n Renee

About philosiblog

I am a thinker, who is spending some time examining those short twitter quotes in greater detail on my blog.
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