Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.Theodore N. Vail

My hands get clammy just looking at the picture. It's not a real difficulty, it's all in my head. I know this. However, I must change my focus, banish my imaginary fears, and then I can conquer my difficulties with effort.

What does that mean?
It’s all in your mind, at least that’s what today’s quote is saying to me. If you think you can’t, you never will. If you can’t imagine doing it, you won’t. If your mind is set against the possibility of it, then it is impossible. If you think you cannot overcome it, it will truly be unconquerable.

It has been said that if you argue for your limits, you will get them. If you focus on what you can’t do, you’ll never even try. Instead, the quote urges us to focus on overcoming the real difficulties that will test our resolve, as they are conquerable.

Why is focus important?  
What we focus on is what we will tend to get more of. If we focus on what is bad in our lives, we will get (or at least we will perceive that we get) more of the bad things. Those who see life as raining goodness on them will see (or perceive that they see) even more of the good things.

If we focus on the imaginary difficulties that are preventing us from getting what we want, it will be very difficult (if not impossible, as the quote implies) to get what you want. Instead, if we focus on the actual difficulties that truly in the way of us getting what we want, it is possible to work our way past them and get what we want.

Put another way, if we focus on the possible, we can get results. If we focus on the impossible, we get excuses. At the end of the day, which would you rather have, results or excuses. No matter what you say or do, you will have one or the other, so choose wisely.

Where can I apply this in my life?
What is holding you back? Is there something in your life that you want, but you are afraid start to working on? Think about that for a moment. Grab some paper and write down at least three things that would fall into that category. For each, also write down what your focus is, what you are afraid of, why you are not able to move forward.

Now think of a few things you amazed you when you were able to do them. Spend a few moment thinking about some of them, and then write them down on the same paper on which you just wrote the other ones. Next to each of these, write down what you remember being focused on as you accomplished them.

What I ended up with were two lists, each with very specific results. The first list had entries where I was worried about things I couldn’t help, difficulties that were impossible to overcome because they only existed in my mind. The second list had entries where I was worried about real difficulties, which I was able to overcome.

The first list included writing a book, public speaking, and doing an engine swap in one of my cars. I’m starting to get a handle on writing a book, but I really don’t know what I’m doing. Public speaking has me scared to death for no valid reason (and still does). The engine swap is mostly a fear of the regulatory boogeymen at the DMV. None of these are real problems, all are imaginary and therefore, unconquerable.

The second list included starting a family, replacing the entire front suspension of my car (in the driveway, no less), and parachuting. In each case, I found someone to help me out, provide assistance and reassurance. In each case, the real difficulties fell under sustained effort.

Look at your ‘unconquerable’ list and identify the two or three biggest imaginary difficulties or fears. Take each one and quickly brainstorm a couple of ways to eliminate the imaginary fears. Do you need to get some knowledge? Would it help to get the assistance of someone who has done it before?

In my case, I’m working with mentors to get a book started, I’m looking at Toastmasters as a way to work on public speaking, and I’m going to get some additional information on engine swaps through some buddies and talk to the guys at a local hot rod shop.

What are you going to do to defeat your imaginary difficulties? Once they are banished, all that is left is the hard and worthy effort of overcoming the real difficulties. That should be easy enough, with time and effort, if you want it badly enough. Time to get busy!

From: Twitter, @tonyrobbins
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Photo by jurvetson

About philosiblog

I am a thinker, who is spending some time examining those short twitter quotes in greater detail on my blog.
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