Men almost always walk in paths beaten by others and act by imitation

Men almost always walk in paths beaten by others and act by imitation. – Niccolò Machiavelli

I took the one less traveled by...

What does that mean?
This is a Twitter friendly version of the full quote. However, I believe that it stands well on it’s own, and it shall be addressed in this blog as it stands.

This quote talks about originality, or the lack of it. People tend to move in groups. Groups of friends, groups of people who think alike, groups of people who act alike, groups of people who want to belong. Groups tend to have something in common or have a need to be together. Is it a survival trait, like a herd, or is it some kind of tribal bonding thing? Whatever the reason, it is observable fact.

Travelling the well-worn path is usually much easier, or at least requires less effort, than blazing a new trail. Sometimes the well-worn path is well-worn for good reason. Other times, it’s just a game of follow the leader. It is such a well known theme, there is even a famous poem about a road “less traveled” in which the poet apparently discusses his choice of vocation.

Why is originality important?  
Besides the usual statement that we’re all unique, just like everyone else, there is both an urge to be different and an urge to conform within everyone I know. While we each balance these urges differently, and in different areas of our lives, we still have to deal with the issue, even if we try to ignore it or deny it exists.

I imagine each of you have seen enough dystopian movies or read books that were of similar nature, where everyone dresses the same and behaves the same. This, of course, is the opposite of what we want as humans. However, we do it, to some extent, in many aspects of our lives. We also put our own original imprint on other aspects of our lives. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s what makes people interesting, and makes life such fun.

Where can I apply this in my life?
As an engineer, I tend to see things as problems to be solved. I have known people who look at everything as a challenge to be taken up and surpassed. Trees, rocks, buildings, all existed to be climbed. Others saw the world as being full of friends they had yet to meet.

Each of us brings our approaches, our beliefs, our preferences, and our philosophies to our lives. This helps make us unique, and helps us be unique and individual. Whether it’s in our clothes, our possessions, our actions, or our mannerisms, at least a little of our personality shines through.

As an example, at first glance, you may have difficulties distinguishing Goths apart. However, if you look carefully, there are differences in where the metal is, both on their clothes and in their faces. Sorry, that’s a cheap shot, but I think I made my point. In the details, they are each being original, a little different, despite the overall conformity.

That said, the behavior of a well established group can be predicted fairly accurately, as they tend to follow their own well-beaten path and act in a similar manner. That is just what groups of people do. Even when you get the rare ‘maverick,’ like James Dean in the 50’s, how long was it before large numbers of people were dressing like him and acting like him?

I am a bit of a contrarian. I tend to dislike whatever is popular, if it is popular for no justifiable reason. I call it the “anti-lemming” mentality. I don’t do things just because everyone else is doing them, almost on principle. It’s one of the ways I stamp myself as being original, of neither imitating nor following the common path. How about you?

Think about the groups you belong to, the ways you conform, and how you express your originality within that group. In some groups of motorcycle riders, conformity is shown by wearing a certain clothing style, and the originality is in how you decorate or accessorize. You show conformity by having tattoos, and originality in the art you choose.

Now think about all the ways you are original that have nothing to do with any of the groups you belong to. How do you show your originality, in a sea of people? Do you have an original style of dressing, a unique vehicle or a very different taste in music? Be proud of who you are, and what makes you different.

Not everyone can, or wants to, walk the path you travel, but taking the less beaten path, even if only on rare occasions, is a worthy walk. We all have our quirks and original ideas, behaviors, and traits. Enjoy yours, and try to enjoy it when others are doing the same. Life is for living, not imitating.

From: Twitter, @StrongtotheCor
confirmed at : (second clause of the first sentence, in the first paragraph)
Photo by Nicholas_T

About philosiblog

I am a thinker, who is spending some time examining those short twitter quotes in greater detail on my blog.
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  1. Pingback: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. | philosiblog

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